BrodexTrident Blog

Legionella testing & heating maintenance in schools

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Summer’s here, the schools are out, and the start of a new term may still feel like a long way away. But the empty corridors and quiet classrooms present an ideal opportunity to ensure your water and heating systems are safe and efficient ahead of September.

Organisations in the education sector have a duty to provide safe and clean drinking water to their students and staff, especially as they are also places where germs can spread easily and illnesses can be quickly contracted.

Here’s our checklist to help ensure your school is up to scratch…

Legionella testing at school

Legionella bacteria are responsible for causing Legionnaire’s disease and other medical issues including Pontiac fever and Lochgoilhead fever. Common sources of Legionella include water tanks, hot-water systems, fountains and showers, so it’s worth ensuring these areas are not playing host to developing the bacteria. A risk assessment will identify where regular monitoring – and if necessary treatment – is needed, while a water management scheme will give you a plan for minimising the risk of exposure in the future.

Water testing for the school

In addition to Legionella testing, it is also advisable to conduct a full water testing programme to eliminate other microbes from the system and ensure a clean and safe supply in your school or college. Water samples should be carefully collected in a sterile container and sent to an UKAS-accredited laboratory for testing. Water treatments such as chlorination can then be used to eradicate harmful microbes in your supply, should tests prove to be positive.

School heating system maintenance

While the winter months may seem a long way away it pays to check your system is working efficiently before the cold weather sets in. One of the most common causes of faulty heating is poor management of water treatment. This can lead to the growth of destructive micro-organisms, which cause system blockages, damage to pipework and even health hazards. Chemical treatments and corrosion inhibitors can be used to clear the heating system and guard against future erosion.

For more information about managing the water and heating systems in schools or colleges click here or speak to one of our experts here.

Book a legionella risk assessment


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