BrodexTrident Blog

Legionella Risk Assessments in the Housing Sector

By Brodex

Housing providers are required by law to manage the risk of Legionella in their properties and taking a legionella risk assessment is the first steps towards achieving this.

This includes private landlords, as well as housing associations and local authorities, meaning it is important to have a water management strategy in place and provide a good water quality to your tenants.

But where’s the best place to begin, and what preventative steps should be taken?

Here’s our guide to safeguarding against Legionella exposure and implementing effective water treatment in your properties…

  1. Conduct regular Legionella risk assessments

It’s always best to be thorough when carrying out a Legionella risk assessment. The bacteria usually develops in places where water is being recirculated or stored and exposure is then greatest when water droplets are dispersed over a wide area. In the housing sector, this means checking the condition of water tanks, hot-water systems, and appliances such as showers.

  1. Perform regular maintenance

At Brodex, we offer our clients complete water tank and heating system services. Rust and sludge can often build up, providing the ideal conditions for Legionella bacteria to thrive. Cleaning the system and carrying out any required maintenance will not only minimise this, it will also improve the efficiency of your water and heating systems and save money on utility bills. It is also a good opportunity to consider fitting safety features to your water system, such as Thermostatic Mixing Valves (TMVs), which mix hot and cold water to produce a temperature-controlled flow.

  1. Test and treat your water supply

 Regular testing and treatment where needed is another step to ensuring harmful bacteria doesn’t build up in your water system. Our flow, stagnation and water sampling tests, can identify when procedures such as chlorination are required to eradicate unwanted micro-organisms such as Legionella.

By carrying out these steps you can be sure you

Book a legionella risk assessment


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