Posted by Brodex on 27-Apr-2017 14:54:01

Water Management for Maria Mallaband Care Group

About Maria Mallaband Care Group

Maria Mallaband Care Group (MMCG) are one of the country’s leading care home providers covering nursing, residential care and caring for those with dementia or disabilities. With more than 100 elderly care homes across the UK, Ireland and the Channel Islands, MMCG is a leader in the UK care home industry that fully understands the needs and concerns of people in care homes.

Summary and challenges

Nearly 10 years ago, the Maria Mallaband Care Group were looking for a water treatment company that could help them achieve the highest level of legionella compliance in the easiest and most efficient way through water management. This is when the company came across BrodexTrident and their relationship was initially established.

One of the main challenges for MMCG at the time was having a comprehensive inhouse programme of procedures to control the risks of legionella, which will also enable them to build a record of results and follow-up actions that will satisfy regulatory bodies expectations during inspections. The company was also facing the challenge of dealing with suppliers that rarely went beyond their obligations, as well as a growing necessity within the sector for full and detailed Legionella Risk Assessments.

Through BrodexTrident’s ongoing guidance, dedication to exceptional service and willingness to go the extra mile for their clients, MMCG were able to quickly achieve excellence in legionella compliance. As a result of that, BrodexTrident has now become the organisation’s sole water treatment supplier, providing water management services for their full portfolio of care homes.


To help MMCG’s care homes meet required legionella control standards, BrodexTrident took an approach that went beyond the standard package of water treatment services, which enabled each home to achieve the highest level of monitoring and control even when a water treatment expert was not on site.

To begin with, BrodexTrident’s solution included a full range of maintenance services, everything from annual water sampling to six monthly tank inspection, HWS vessel inspections at the drain and general water system compliance. This was then followed by a certificated training of all staff members involved in legionella management and the creation of a comprehensive programme of inhouse procedures to be completed in-between BrodexTrident’s visits.

Once the standard annual and 6 monthly checks were finished, the account manager would then review whether the inhouse procedures are meeting the L8 guidelines (and HSG 274), update files with the current LCA certificate, reiterate how the client can login and view documents on the BrodexTrident Portal and answer any further questions. Immediate remedial work is also a big part of the process, so that if any risks or issues are identified during the inspection, remedial action can be reported back and arranged, therefore, risks are minimised as quickly as possible.

One of the most important factors that allowed Maria Mallaband Care Group to achieve the highest level of water system compliance was BrodexTrident’s regular visits of their sites and dedication to provide ongoing support at all times. This close relationship with the care homes enabled BrodexTrident to identify any shortfalls in inhouse procedures, therefore, allowing for appropriate solutions to be implemented straightway, while offering points for improvement for the future.

‘We have regular meetings with BrodexTrident Limited to discuss the latest regulations and how our homes can improve, which is comforting to know that we are not simply another account to them and they are in full control of what is 100 homes and counting. This allows us to concentrate on other areas of the business.’  

James Burgan, Commercial Director of Maria Mallaband Care Group


As a result of BrodexTrident’s team’s hard work and collaborative approach, MMCG has been able to achieve a level of water system compliance that would impress even the most rigorous CQC’s inspectors. BrodexTrident, on the other hand, have gone from managing the water safety of a dozen MMCG’s care homes to now being the sole water treatment supplier for the full portfolio of the group, as well as any new ones acquired.

‘From our first meeting with BrodexTrident Limited they have been nothing more than professional. They are open and honest about the service they provide and leave you full of confidence that everything in their risk assessments covers the guidelines.’ - James Burgan, Commercial Director of Maria Mallaband Care Group

If you're looking to achieve excellence in legionella compliance, contact one of our team members to find out more about what we can do for you or check out our free compliance checklist.

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